[Thursday, 24 June 2021 18:21]
We will be providing a live stream of this Saturday’s pre-season friendly against Dundee XI.
FAFC SEASON TICKET HOLDERS: The live stream of this match will be provided at no additional cost to Adult, Concession and Age 17-21 season ticket holders. You do not need to purchase a PPV ticket. An email with will be sent details today/tomorrow.
PPV: Tickets are £4. Please note there is no commentary with the live stream and it will be provided by the automated Pixellot system.
Log in to your account at:
Visit the home page:
Click on the Forfar Athletic v Dundee XI match graphic. Find the Tickets for Sale section (below the Access code information) and ‘Buy this event now’. Follow the payment instructions. Check your email (including your junk folder) for the payment confirmation email from Stripe.
Once you have registered you may be asked to subscribe to a season ticket. PLEASE DO NOT SELECT THIS OPTION but click on 'Not now' and visit the home page. If you are asked for an Access code, please click past this option. There is NO Access code for PPV subscribers – therefore please click ‘Not Now’ and you will be taken to the main match page.
Click on the Forfar Athletic v Dundee XI match graphic. Find the 'Buy Now' button and follow the payment instructions. Check your email (including your junk/spam folder) for the payment confirmation email from Stripe.
ACCESS CODES: As mentioned above PPV subscribers DO NOT NEED AN ACCESS CODE and you will NOT be sent one. Once you have successfully paid for the PPV you will be sent an email by Stripe, the payment processor. You then simply log back in ahead of kick-off on match day and click on the match graphic. Once the stream is live (from 1.05 pm) you should see a yellow arrow on the match graphic. Click on that and you will see the stream.
NEW USERS: We recommend that new users register well ahead of Saturday and test their equipment.
MATCHDAY: The stream will go live at 1:05 pm and we recommend that users sign in/register and view the stream as early as possible.
T&Cs & TROUBLESHOOTING: For full details and conditions or if you experience any issues please visit our Forfar Athletic TV Live Streaming guide and work through the various tips/troubleshooting steps. We will try to support viewers on Saturday but in the immediate lead up to the match and after kick-off we have to dedicate our support to any issues with the actual stream.
Please note we cannot provide support for streaming to smart TVs - while we know this has worked for many viewers this is not something we can support due to the range of makes and models of devices.