FAFC Player Pot – Your Club – Be Part of It
[Friday, 02 December 2022 19:11]
Forfar Athletic officials obviously, but thankfully it appeared supporters as well were delighted when Ray McKinnon agreed to become the new ‘Loons’ manager last month.
Initial performances in the cinch league2 fixtures have been encouraging but as Ray himself concedes there is still a long road ahead of us.
In an interview with FAFC media last night which you can view by clicking on the link of our social media channels, Ray acknowledged that the first and most important objective in the weeks ahead is to make sure we retain our SPFL status.
That simply means in the first instance finishing in 9th position in the current cinch league2 and building from there.
Obviously Ray hopes initially to add to the current squad in the January Registration Window. Finance will be made available to him rest assured to strengthen the squad.
This however is where the current board are giving local businesses and supporters the chance get involved by playing a part in boosting the ‘Player Pot’ available to the manager.
Option 1 as you will see from the graphic that accompanies this article is to get involved by purchasing one of the packages being made available throughout the months of December and January which include various match day hospitality packages etc.
As you will see they range in price from £250 to £2,000
Option 2 is simply to either purchase shares in the club for the first time or expand your current shareholding. The minimum and we emphasise minimum purchase is 200 x £1 shares.
All monies raised in the months of December and January from Option 1 and as well as all monies raised from share purchases over the same period will rest assured be totally utilised to boost the playing resources at the club either in the January window or in the ensuing close season.
Supporters can be assured as well that the Directors will continue to pursue all their normal fund raising activities into the bargain but in post covid times this is proving to be a difficult proposition, with for example the recent Sportsman’s Dinner and Golf Day not bringing in revenue similar to pre 2020.
It also has to be emphasised that the current Board of Directors have set the ‘ball rolling’ by all making significant financial opening contributions to the Player Pot funding.
In the meantime thank you for your continued backing of the Loons’ cause and should you wish to make a purchase of any of the above options or for that matter wish further information or discuss at first hand please contact either of the Directors listed below or alternatively feel free to speak to any club official.
Paul Wilson – email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – tel. 07715787840
David McGregor – e mail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – tel. 07871165689